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Qumulo DataBytes: 74% of Orgs Find Migrating Workloads Between Clouds Challenging

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Based on the ESG Research Survey conducted in partnership with Qumulo, Hybrid Cloud Trends and the Role of Active Unstructured Data in January 2020, 74% of organizations find migrating workloads between clouds challenging. Qumulo can help.

Being able to easily move your data between cloud vendors isn’t a new requirement for organizations; it is, however, a requirement that often goes unfulfilled.

There are several reasons organizations may want to use more than one cloud vendor. Cloud vendors offer different services in different locations that organizations might need to access. There is also the concern about having a single point of failure and/or being locked into a single vendor’s solution.

Vendor lock-in is hardly a new concept; it is how many IT vendors traditionally have made money. They make it difficult for customers to move data off of a platform so that they need to buy more of that platform. The cloud vendors have a similar philosophy.

The challenge is, how do you seamlessly move and manage file data across various environments (including both cloud and on-prem data centers) while maintaining security, data protection, accessibility, and minimizing costs? If that weren’t challenging enough, you need to have real-time visibility into the file data and services provided in the cloud.

Qumulo’s hybrid file software and cloud data services provide real-time data visibility, scalability, automation, and ease-of-use regardless of your data’s location to meet your performance, processing, and data retention requirements. This lets your users focus their efforts entirely on outcomes, not infrastructure.

Qumulo’s hybrid file software, via replication, enables users to copy, move, and synchronize data across multiple Qumulo clusters and instances, and manage that data both between public clouds as well as from on-prem environment to the cloud. Qumulo’s replication technology offers two core capabilities: efficient data movement, and granular identification of changed data. Qumulo’s continuous replication capabilities provide continuous, one-way asynchronous replication across storage clusters, whether on-prem or in the public cloud.

Qumulo’s replication works across any two Qumulo systems including on-prem to cloud, cloud-to-cloud, and across cloud regions. Replication enables hybrid cloud and cloud bursting, multicloud and multi-region infrastructure, and remote collaboration scenarios. It also can be used to enable petabyte-scale backup and cloud disaster recovery, especially when coupled with snapshot replication, including failover and failback.

Data really is only as valuable as the insights and learnings gleaned from it. Qumulo believes that organizations should be able to easily get their data where they need it so that it can enable innovation. That means data needs to be near the compute and the users taking advantage of it.

Whether it is a life sciences organization seeking to find a cure for a global pandemic, or a film/animation studio making the next big blockbuster movie, or a car manufacturer looking to make cars safer, businesses today require massive amounts of data to fuel their innovation.

Qumulo offers a single software solution to manage, move and protect all of your unstructured data. Our file system runs the same file software and services on-prem and in multiple clouds. Qumulo’s hybrid cloud software moves your data to your applications, wherever they reside, on-prem or in the cloud.

We recognize that companies want to have their file-based applications – whether that’s the latest workstation app or a legacy data center application – in the cloud. With Qumulo, you can scale to handle projects of any size and have on-demand scalability for performance and capacity. The cloud offers access to elastic resources so organizations can use only what they need when they need it. You also get to experience the same intuitive management tool UIs, and leverage the same APIs in the cloud and on-prem. Qumulo lets you run virtually any file-based application at cloud-native speeds on AWS and Google Cloud.

Qumulo’s cloud-native file system delivers an identical experience and capabilities across edge, data center and multicloud. File data of all types and sizes can now be moved easily to the public cloud or a mixed private and public cloud environment.

Organizations are no longer locked into a single hardware or cloud vendor and today they can leverage a modern file system to easily move their data where they need it.

Qumulo easily enables data movement between clouds to enhance innovation.

Have ten minutes? Get a free online demo or contact us today!

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