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Gold Standard Upgrades: Take Back Your Nights!

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No more putting off upgrades that offer new capabilities, no more planned downtime, no more holding your breath for a few hours (metaphorically speaking!).

Unstructured file data is experiencing double digit growth, and the value of this data has increased. Companies choose Qumulo to maximize the value of this data, and availability is critical. Non-Disruptive Upgrades (NDU) for NFSv3 further increases Qumulo’s edge (and our customer’s!) in simplified, scalable, file storage that minimizes data management costs.

Version 5.0.3 was recently released, and contains significant updates. These technologies are built into our software and therefore benefit all of our supported platforms. This includes all flash, flash-first hybrid, and cloud offerings.

We have made key enhancements to the full cluster, rolling upgrade process. Our already easy patch update process is even more powerful for our NFS v3 customers, now allowing them to also perform major kernel level upgrades, with no impact to running workloads, and no need for planned downtime!

Does this story sound familiar to you? If you are an IT or Storage Admin, I bet it does:

  • It is once again 3am before a major national holiday and 4 day weekend. And here you are, in the data center.
  • It’s time to kernel upgrade the data filers, and you’ve already spent weeks preparing for the planned 2-3 hour downtime.
  • You had put off anything but minor patch upgrades for 6 months; however, new features and bug fixes are being added, and you can no longer afford to wait.
  • It’s “upgrade day.” You bring the environment down, and hold your breath – there are 20 nodes that all have to be upgraded.
  • Now you’re 8 hours into your upgrade window, and the 10th node has an issue…
  • The production team is not pleased. The network team is upset. The CFO is not thrilled with the minor revenue loss. More importantly, your customers and end users are inconvenienced. The Director of IT strongly “suggests” an RFP to replace your once worthy storage vendor.

…Fast forward to Qumulo, and our recent announcement that our already very simple and fast upgrade process is now the best in the distributed file system world! Beginning with version 5.0.3, our NFS v3 customers are now able to perform major upgrades with zero interruptions to connected clients, little to no performance degradation, and we can prove it!

Complete major upgrades without impacting running workloads

Simple to Deploy

Set up clusters on-prem or in the cloud in under 10 minutes 

Instant Updates

Updates take just 20 seconds, even for the largest clusters

Exceptional Support

Unforseen issues? Contact our industry leading support team

Please watch the short demo, detailing how simple and safe it is to perform rolling upgrades with Qumulo, while all of your I/O and dependent systems remain online, serving data. As nodes begin their upgrade process, their workloads seamlessly failover to concurrent nodes. After all, aren’t YOU the one who deserves the downtime?

Qumulo wants you to reclaim your three-day weekends, even while you keep your data environment up-to-date, and your critical workloads continuously online.

With the new Qumulo upgrades, you experience no downtime – no loss of revenue, no time spent restarting your applications, and no impact to your connected clients!

Experience the power of Qumulo for yourself. We created an online lab specifically for you to test non-disruptive upgrades for NFS, simply click this link to get started!

If you would like to learn more, please read this overviewon why so many have moved to Qumulo. You can also get in touch with our technical sales teams if you are new to Qumulo, or our Qumulo Care Portal if you are already a customer.

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