At Qumulo, our purpose is to build what storage should be for our customers.
In the case of file archives, we saw an ideal opportunity. This week, we released Qumulo Nearline Archive, which turns the old definition of archive on its head. This solution gives customers the low cost of archive storage with the performance and capabilities of far more expensive systems. Best of all, it comes with the intelligence, ease of use, and public cloud accessibility that only Qumulo can provide.
Legacy storage companies made customers choose between useful, but expensive storage and less expensive, dumb storage where accessing the data you need can take hours, days or even weeks. That’s a lousy choice and often, customers just don’t know which data will be important and when. What if you didn’t have to make that trade? At Qumulo, we believe customers have a right to access all their data at any time, whether produced today or months and years ago.
We tore a page from the public cloud providers and adopted an ultra-modular, super-dense, low-cost platform. Best of all, unlike big iron, hard-to-install traditional archives, no forklifts are required! As you add capacity, performance improves because of our unique scale-out software called the Qumulo File Fabric (QF2). It’s easy to install, simple to scale and easy to manage, regardless of the number or size of files in your environment.
Our deep, rich data analytics help customers understand their data in ways they never could before. Best of all, QF2 also runs in public clouds like AWS, giving you the ultimate in flexibility and investment protection. And finally, as with all our products, Qumulo Nearline Archive is built on software that continuously improves, so over time, it gets faster and more efficient, delivering better outcomes for customers.
In scientific research, accessing whole datasets, whether freshly created or years old gives researchers the ability to correlate data over time and gain new insights that can lead to scientific and medical breakthroughs. In medical imaging, accessing patient records over long periods of time gives physicians a more holistic view of a patient’s history, allowing for better treatment. And in media and entertainment, in a moment’s notice, events from years ago can emerge as headline news – and immediate access to images and information from that time gives newsrooms a competitive edge in a deadline-driven world.
By accessing data that historically was hard, if not impossible to get, we are helping organizations find their true potential and innovate like never before. Qumulo Nearline Archive is just the next step in making Qumulo the data storage company that you will love.