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Qumulo DataBytes: Unstructured Data to Double Every Two Years, Driving Demand For Cloud Services

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Based on the ESG Research Survey conducted in partnership with Qumulo, Hybrid Cloud Trends and the Role of Active Unstructured Data, January 2020, unstructured data growth is forecasted to double every two years, driving demand for cloud services. Qumulo can help.

Businesses ranging from Fortune 500 companies, major film and animation studios, and the largest research facilities around the world, are all under pressure to derive value from their unstructured data in order to remain competitive.

They are also being tasked with managing rising volumes of data, and making that data available to applications wherever they reside, whether on-prem or in the cloud. This data explosion has resulted in storage management nightmares and added complexity when delivering unstructured data to the applications that need to access it.

Structured and Unstructured Data: What’s the difference?

How data is stored, accessed, analyzed and archived, all depends on its format.

When you think of structured data, think of data that fits into spreadsheets and databases such as names, dates, addresses, credit card numbers, stock information, geolocation, and the like. Users working within databases can input, search, and manipulate structured data relatively easily and quickly.

Then there is unstructured data – consisting of text, video, audio, mobile activity, satellite imagery or surveillance data, for example. Unlike its structured counterpart, unstructured data comes with a host of new complexities because it is created by a wide variety of applications on user machines, sensors, video systems, and other platforms. It also lacks a pre-defined format or organization and is often found on a wide variety of workspaces.

Strategic business decisions are increasingly being made based on unstructured data. As a result, organizations with large amounts of unstructured data are embracing the power of the public cloud.

Why Can’t I Keep My Legacy Storage Infrastructure As Is?

Organizations are coming to realize that legacy NAS storage solutions weren’t designed to handle today’s unstructured data volumes, distributed geographies and diverse file types. They are finding themselves in a scalability crisis as the growth of their unstructured data rapidly outpaces their existing storage solutions.

As such, we anticipate that every major enterprise in the world is going to become a hybrid enterprise. By the end of 2020, the majority of these will include a public cloud component for cloud application processing work.

Businesses are eager to take advantage of the benefits offered by the cloud and to have these cloud resources as an integral part of their overall data environments.

Each unstructured data-driven application has unique demands. Some require low latency for user responsiveness, others are read-intensive for analytics, while others need to archive massive amounts of data for years of retention.

Modern file storage software should provide the freedom to choose the optimal storage platform – from NVMe to the public cloud – that best suits an organization’s unique workflow demands.

Qumulo helps organizations to make massive volumes of unstructured data available to applications on-prem and in the cloud to transform business operations and optimize data-driven workloads.

Our cloud-native file system allows organizations to move file-based applications and workloads to the public cloud effortlessly. Qumulo’s hybrid file software can be deployed on both AWS and GCP, offers programmable control with API tools, and seamlessly integrates into current file-based enterprise networks and workflow environments.

Qumulo file software provides the capabilities required for enterprises, researchers and creative teams to move data between distributed locations, collaborate with remote users, and take full advantage of applications both in the cloud and in the data center.

Have ten minutes? Get a free online demo or contact us today! Download the ESG Research Insights Paper to learn more.

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