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Qumulo DataBytes: 38% of IT Pros Cite Lack of Management Tools Across Multicloud Environments for Cost Overruns

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Based on the ESG Research Survey conducted in partnership with Qumulo, Hybrid Cloud Trends and the Role of Active Unstructured Data, January 2020, 38% of IT professionals cite lack of data management tools across a multi-cloud environment for cost & cost overruns.

The global reach of public clouds is creating new demand for file data mobility, and has signaled that compute and storage services with global reach are now achievable without building data centers across the world. Consequently, new ways of working have arrived and are here to stay. All businesses realize that, in the future, they will no longer be running their workloads out of a single, self-managed data center. Instead, they will be moving to multiple data centers, often using a multi-cloud architecture. This flexibility helps them adapt to a world with geographically-dispersed employees and business partners.

How to manage file data cross multi-cloud environments

The challenge is: how do you manage your file data across multi-cloud environments? None of the legacy solutions provide real-time visibility and control of unstructured file data in the cloud, which leads to over-provisioning of capacity, performance, or both. In general, current solutions for file storage in the cloud are piecemeal approaches that address only parts of the problem. Customers are left stranded in their attempts to integrate file-based workloads with the cloud, especially in a multi-cloud environment.

A file system that is enterprise-proven and works in a multi-cloud environments is required. Qumulo’s hybrid file software was designed with the cloud in mind and optimized for a multi-cloud environment. Qumulo’s real-time analytics tell you what’s happening in your file system, across a multi-cloud environment, instantly.

Qumulo Aware: comprehensive data analytics

Analytics is an integral part of the Qumulo file system; it is not an afterthought. Instead of running multiple commands, parsing through pages of log files, and running separate programs, an administrator can simply look at the GUI and understand what’s happening with throughput, IOPS and capacity. Preventing data blindness regardless of where the data resides – by enabling real-time visibility in a file system managing billions and billions of files in a multi-cloud environment – was a core tenant during the design process of the Qumulo software. Achieving this level of data awareness and insight into the status and performance of your data and the file system in a multi-cloud environment is unique to Qumulo!

Qumulo’s file system was designed with platform flexibility in mind. Our hybrid file software helps our customers to consolidate massive data volumes, extend data and workloads to the public cloud, and transform business operations. Our software runs on industry-standard hardware in the data center as well as file data services in the public cloud with AWS and GCP. The choice is always yours.

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Download the ESG Research Insights Paper to learn more.

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