Create a Qumulo Cluster on a Mac

In this tutorial, you’ll simulate an on-premises cluster by using virtual machines (VM). A cluster is a collection of nodes, where an on-premises node is a single hardware chassis. A node is simulated in the tutorial by a VM. An on-premises cluster requires a minimum of four nodes because of the way the block protection scheme works.

System Requirements

Here are the system requirements.

  • For best performance, we recommend that your computer have at least 8GB of RAM and an SSD to host the virtual images.
  • You need VMware Fusion installed.
  • You need access to the Internet.
  • We recommend that you use the Chrome browser. The first time you access the cluster with the browser, you may get a warning that your connection is not private. If you do:
    1. Scroll down and click Advanced.
    2. Click Proceed to *IP Address*
    3. Log in to the cluster as admin.If you do:

User Requirements

  • In the Save As field, use the default name.
  • In the Where field either use the default path or enter a local storage path where you want to save the VM. If possible, save it on an SSD device.
  • Click Save.
  • A warning message appears.
  • Ignore the message and click Retry.
  • VMware Fusion imports the VM.
  • When the process is complete, you’ll see a summary of the VM’s settings.
  • Click Finish.
  • You’re asked if you want to upgrade the VM.
  • Click Don’t Upgrade.
  • The VM starts and, after some code scrolls by, you see the Qumulo End User License Agreement (EULA). Scroll to the end. Select both boxes and click Submit.
  • The Qumulo configuration page appears.

Create the Additional Nodes

  • You’ve successfully created one node and you need to create three more. From the VMWare Fusion tool bar, click File and then click New…. You’ll be asked to select the installation method.
  • Click Import an existing virtual machine. Click Continue.
  • From the Choose an Existing Virtual Machine dialog, select the same OVA file you used before and click Continue.
  • The dialog box appears. Note that the name of the new instance is automatically created and is sequential. It will be saved in the directory you specified.
  • Repeat the steps you performed for the first node.
  • Once you’ve created the second node, create the third and fourth nodes.
  • When you are done, the Qumulo configuration page should show that you have four nodes. They should all be selected.

Create a cluster

  • In this section you create your cluster. You should still be on the configuration page.
  • In the Cluster name field, enter a cluster name. In this example, it is qumulo-vm.
  • Scroll down and enter a password for the admin account. Make a note of it. You need it to administer the cluster.
  • Click Create Cluster.
  • You’ll be asked for a confirmation.
  • Click Yes, Create Cluster.
  • You’ll see a message saying the cluster is being created.
  • The Dashboard appears

Edit a relationship

2. The Edit Relationship page appears. Here is an example.

  • Note the IP address, located at the top. You can use your browser to reach the dashboard. In this example, the URL is
  • Your cluster is now ready to start serving data.

What's next?


To safely shut down your cluster, see the Safe shutdown tutorial. Once a cluster is shut down, you have to power on the VMs again to restart it.

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