Why Studios are Moving Digital Content Creation to AWS

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Earlier this month AWS Thinkbox announced the relaunch of its partner portal.

AWS Thinkbox has developed an ecosystem of partners to accelerate the journey for media and entertainment studios “to a hybrid, or full content production pipeline in the cloud.” In that spirit, Teradici and Qumulo are combining forces with Six Nines IT to make that journey to the cloud both simple and fast for film and animation studios. The solution provides the flexibility to use popular software tools from Adobe, Autodesk and other content creation and editing suites.

We work with several studios that are beginning their journey to the cloud, and each case is unique. The versatility of Teradici’s PCoIP protocol and Qumulo’s file system in the hands of a systems integrator with AWS Premier Partner status (such as Six Nines IT) ensures that studios can leverage the cloud wherever they might be in their cloud journey.

Whether it’s about improving economics, creating flexibility for IT resource-constrained organizations, or helping studios to build new production workflows in the cloud, CloudStudio helps media and entertainment companies realize the potential of AWS.

Every studio aims to align expenses to revenue. Because it allows film and animation studios to burst rendering and other production workflows to the cloud, CloudStudio frees them from “big bet” capital investments in advance of potential revenue growth. Cloud-based infrastructure such as CloudStudio allows users to avoid “boom-or-bust” cycles in their business by growing and shrinking production capacity to match the exact needs of a project. It can also be run (and billed) on a per-minute basis.

Hitesh Shah, Chief Executive/Co-founder of BotVFX recently wrote in VFX Voice, “When you can put things into the OPEX (operating costs) instead of the CAPEX (capital costs) side, I believe it will dramatically change the industry. The largest companies may be the initial beneficiaries, but with a highly variable model, you’re in a better position than any company with fixed infrastructure and talent. That small, talented team is no longer limited.”

The elastic nature of AWS allows a studio of any size to compete on a more level playing field. Studios can bid on any job, regardless of size, with the assurance that being awarded a project won’t stress or overwhelm the studio’s infrastructure or personnel. CloudStudio allows users to create virtual workstations supporting as little or as much infrastructure as is required for the project. New users and their tools can be easily added. The infrastructure required to support those users can be created with a few mouse clicks. After the project is over, all of the infrastructure easily terminated.

Perhaps the biggest industry impact of CloudStudio in AWS is the ability to more easily collaborate across geographies. With Teradici’s remote PCoIP workstations providing low latency across geographically-dispersed artistic teams, and Qumulo’s high-speed distributed file system, real-time global collaboration on a project becomes a practical reality.

CloudStudio allows media and entertainment organizations to work on projects from anywhere in the world with uncompromising speed, flexibility, and security. CloudStudio is currently available in AWS, and can help organizations whether they want to begin with one simple workload, or move entire projects to the cloud. AWS Premier Consulting Partner Six Nines IT ensures that the deployment is simple, fast and optimized for both productivity and cost. Artists can be using CloudStudio in minutes after deployment and setup. CloudStudio is changing the way artists work and the way studios operate.

Join Qumulo on your journey to AWS, and contact us if you’d like more information!

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